Users profile picture Jay

Starting Location

Edit 24.46832,121.75317

Ending Location

Edit 24.46784,121.74749

Time needed


2-6 hours. Depends on how fast you trace or how much time on playing.



Lupi River floods after a downpour and will be dangerous. Several people drowned in Jinyue Waterfall without a life jacket.



River tracing boots, helmets, life jackets, a throwing bag for others

General information


Short, beautiful, fun and somehow challanging. The river is always crowded on holidays in summer due to many commercial groups and visitors. First big waterfall pool is good to swim(but be careful or avoid it when the current is too strong). The river has several natural slides. You can jump into water at the first big waterfall or the pool at a valley which is just more upstream to the first waterfall. (Always check the depth of water before jumping!) No public transportation. You need to take a taxi from Nan'ao Train Station or drive a car or a scooter to here.


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