Users profile picture Gino

Starting Location

Edit 24.841285,121.459937

Ending Location

Edit 24.834083, 121.466577

Time needed


Around 3-4 hours round trip if you trace in and take the trail out



The trace doesn't contain any major dangers however there are lots of rocks to scramble over and it can be tiring if you're not in okay shape, or capable of a bit of scrambling.



Tracing boots

General information


Located not too far away from Taipei city this makes for a perfect day trip. If you aren't up for river tracing it is possible to hike in and out to the waterfall at the end, though the trace is more scenic, enjoyable and makes for a better adventure than the hike in my opinion. This is a nice easy river trace through a wide-open valley with nice mountain views on either side. You can park at the GPS point and walk further along the trail than you are able to drive to get down into the water. You should be able to get into the water just above one major waterfall, you can walk back and take a look at it if you want before heading forward. The way upstream is a bit tiring but there are no major obstacles till the ending GPS point where you will find a large waterfall with a nice pool or swimming in below teeming with fish. You can take one of the two branches at the fork further up than the waterfall if you wish, the climbing becomes a bit more difficult and you shouldn't continue this way unless you are confident in your abilities.


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