Users profile picture Jay

Starting Location

Edit 24.42377,121.70887

Ending Location

Edit 24.43248,121.68234

Time needed


A whole day.



Deep pools.



River tracing boots, helmets and life jackets.

General information


Heliu Creek is a beautiful creek with countless pools and is a must for river tracers. The pools are pristine and emerald, and many of which are able to be jumped into. Quite a few pools have waterslides, and an abundance of natural bouldering walls can be found along the creek. Near the end of the trace is a 6-meter waterfall and its huge pool. After the waterfall is there a short gorge that connects to the Ending GPS on this post. The creek intersects with Nan'ao Old Trail, and it takes 1 hour from the trailhead to the river. Parking spaces are around the trailhead. Heliu Waterfall (12M): 24.42974,121.69213


  • Thanks for the awesome info! Can I just clarify - does the actual river trace begin at the above starting GPS coordinates (24.42377,121.70887)? Or is this where we park, hike for an hour or so on the trail, then find the river and begin the trace?
    - Travis Juraszek 2023-07-13 05:32:16 UTC
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