Users profile picture Gino

Starting Location

Edit 22.908394,120.7265542

Ending Location

Edit 22.90129, 120.73224

Time needed


Took us around 3.5 - 4 hours in total from the top of the path to the waterfall and back. Could be done quicker if you're in a rush but the views alone will slow you down.



Falling rocks in the gorge, a couple of climbs that you won't want to fall from. I image a ton of fast water in the wet season and flash floods during rain



We did this route without any ropes but they would have been nice at certain points

General information


First off from the GPS point take the path on your right-hand side. It will get you in the water. Go upstream. Really REALLY great place. We went during a drought when nothing else around had any water and it was still a good time. As such I imagine this is best done during the dry season. There were a couple of climbs that weren't all that easy. I managed them and I am no pro, but you'll want to have had a bit of experience scrambling around rocks without ropes to get past a couple of the falls. There are also a couple of sections where there will be ropes along the side up into the jungle and around a couple of obstacles so keep an eye out for those. Some cool caves that would make a great place for a tent can also be found for anyone into that sorta thing.


  • This place seems awesome! I visited Douna village this January, thinking about going back and check around next week. Would like know where you guys drop your car? And how did you get back from ending location? I appreciate if there are more info for this, thanks.
    - Hope Hung 2021-05-13 04:59:05 UTC
    • There is a road close to the starting pin. We parked our scooters along the side of that. No reason you couldn't park a car there though in my opinion. In our case, we simply doubled back, unfortunately. With that that I think you could actually start at this trace, and get out at this one if you can get past one waterfall that we didn't have the ropes to get over. If you find a better way to get out please feel free to update the post and let people know :D
      - Gino 2021-05-17 10:29:29 UTC
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