Users profile picture Gino

Starting Location

Edit 22.925440, 121.258232

Ending Location

Edit 22.928613, 121.250141

Time needed


Roughly 2 hours each way, or a total of 4 hours



There were falling rocks at a few points. We knocked a couple down by grabbing at roots along the edge.



Unless people are really good climbers some ropes to assist the weaker climbers would be helpful

General information


This is a really cool little river trace close to Dulan. You can park at the starting GPS point and shouldn't have much of an issue finding your way in from there. A good portion of this river trace is inside of a fairly narrow canyon. The views are great and the trace is a lot of fun. There were a couple of areas where you would want to be a fairly confident climber, or have someone go up first with a rope. When we went the water was quite low as it was the dry season. It could be a whole different type of trace when it's wet.


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